The Broken Grindstone Collection

The Broken Grindstone Collection

The Broken Grindstone collection is our latest addition here at Storrs wood. This new collection came about almost accidentally, when a deal was made to remove a pile of old stone from abbeydale industrial hamlet. When the stone was brought back to Storrs wood we discovered quite a few pieces of old broken grindstones among the pile. This discovery lead to the decision being made to take a piece back to the workbench and this is where the carving began. The grindstones seemed to have an energy all of there own and it was a fantastic experience to carve them. From this point on we began to rummage through the repossessed stone to claim any pieces of grindstone that may be hiding there, to work with and began to do something here at Stoneface that we have never done before, host an exhibition based entirely on the Broken Grindstone Collection. Until now, this is something we have shied away from. However, because of the growth we feel this was a necessary step to take.

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